
Previously called Campaigns on the Money Alive Platform.

Dale Mooney avatar
Written by Dale Mooney
Updated over a week ago

Creating a workflow enables system users to have greater control over the onboarding, engagement, next-steps and reporting of viewers.

Start by clicking New and entering a name for your workflow.

Step 1 - select the box set that the viewer will be given access to

Step 2 - Select an onboarding option

Onboarding options




A webform with it's own URL and branding to allow viewers to register for the workflow

A short URL link that forwards the viewer onto the URL form and track's their ID

Ideal for printed campaigns

Our token-based API to allow integration with an existing application

Step 3 - Optional reminders

You can configure the platform to email the viewer and/or dedicated email address (Staff notifications) when a set amount of time has passed without the viewer completing the workflow.

The opt-out feature when enabled also allows them to mark their accounts as not wanting to enable with the workflows process any further.

Step 4 - Completion

Set what happens when the viewer completes the workflow




Next steps screen

Present the viewer with up to two links to continue on to.

These will be tracked and form part of the viewer report

Opt out

Allow the viewer to self certify that they don't want to engage with the process any further

Staff notifications

Send an email to a defined address when the viewer completes the workflow

Step 5 - Set the workflow live

Any changes you make after the workflow has gone live will go into a 'changed' state ready to be published or reverted.


Once viewers have joined your workflow you can access the workflow report by clicking the pie chart on the worfkow.

The report shows the viewers progression from joining to completion or opting out or clicking the next steps options.

Selecting the status tabs will filter to those specific users.

You can download the workflow reports as PDF or CSV.

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