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3.7 Release notes

Money Alive March 11th 2019 update

Aaron Coates avatar
Written by Aaron Coates
Updated over a week ago

We've got a small but useful update for system users this week with our new archive and auto-archive features. 

The archive feature enables system users to mark client journeys as archived so they will no longer appear on the home page of Money Alive Admin allowing the focus to remain on active journeys. 

Archived journeys are still able to be seen on the client profile and the process is fully reversible. 

Archived journeys will also no longer receive email notifications. 

The auto-archiving feature has the same result but it time based. When set to 30 days for example, the client journey will become archived automatically after a period of inactivity. 

Please note that the auto-archive feature might not be available on all accounts as it's being rolled out throughout March. 

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