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Media API documentation
Media API documentation

Version 1.1, 06/02/2019

Aaron Coates avatar
Written by Aaron Coates
Updated over a week ago

Previously known as Video Bricks ( the Money Alive Media API is our method of integration with our Enterprise partners. The content is accessible via a series of RESTful API’s and player templates. To ensure you benefit fully from this service, always request content via these API’s to ensure you are using the latest version of the Money Alive media.



<frame class="videoPlayer" width="560" height="315" src="{client}/embed/v1/player/{videoid}? token={token}&userid={userid}" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>


  • Required 

  • Client title


  • Required 

  • Unique video ID


  • Required 

MD5 Hash of {apiKey} + {videoID} + {userID} with no spaces


  • Required

A unique identifier for the user watching the video Used to identify viewing records

To comply with GDPR, this value should not be in a format that can be used to identify an individual


Embed URL{videoid}?token=


  • Required 

  • Client title


  • Required 

  • Unique video ID


  • RequiredMD5 Hash of {apiKey} + {videoID} + {userID} with no spaces


  • Required

  • A unique identifier for the user watching the video Used to identify viewing records

  • To comply with GDPR, this value should not be in a format that can be used to identify an individual


Analytics Callback

This is a webhook triggered when 95% of the video has been watched in a single viewing:

  • Makes a POST request with a JSON Payload

  • The JSON payload contains the token in the embed URL

"videoid": 1,
"userid": 5,
"token": "8b541be6e557259494150e2d192c9d65", "event": "videoCompleted",
"timestamp": "2017-08-21T11:37:43.505Z"


GET multiple videos{client}/v1/videos?page=1&perPage=5&key=

Page ('page')

  • Optional

  • Which page of the list of videos to request

Per Page ('perPage') 

  • Optional

  • How many videos by which to limit each page

Example JSON Payload

"page": 1,
"total": 23,
"perPage": 5,
"next": "{client}/v1/videos?
page=2&perPage=5&key={apiKey}", "previous": "",
"items": [
"id": 8,
"createdAt": "2017-08-20T17:20:00.536Z",
"title": "Guide to guaranteed income ", "description": "A guide to using your pension pot to
provide a guaranteed retirement income for life by purchasing an annuity. ",
"thumbnail": "// 1.jpg",
"transcript": ""


GET a single video{client}/v1/videos/{videoid}?key={apiKey}


"id": 8,
"createdAt": "2017-08-20T17:20:00.536Z",
"title": "Guide to guaranteed income ",
"description": "A guide to using your pension pot to provide a
guaranteed retirement income for life by purchasing an annuity.", "thumbnail":
"// 1.jpg",
"transcript": ""


GET thumbnail

  • Get thumbnail of video with given video ID. 

  • No api key is required.

  • The response is the raw thumbnail data, served just like a static file.


Get all topics{client}/v1/topics?page=1&perPage=5&key=
  • Get all topics for the client 

  • Topics are sorted by their id

"page": 1,
"total": 14,
"perPage": 5,
"next": "{client}/v1/topics?page=2&perPage=5&key={apiKey}",
"previous": "",
"items": [{


GET one topic{client}/v1/topics/{topicid}&key={apiKey}
  • Get one topic for the client

  • Replace {topicid} with the id of a topic e.g. "pension-freedoms"

Example JSON Payload

"id": "pension-freedoms", "title": "Pensions Freedoms", "description": ""


If you have any questions about the Media API please email [email protected]

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