Email bounces
We now record failed email invitation attempts sent to clients via Money Alive Admin. When this occurs the client journey card will show a warning symbol indicating that the email delivery has failed. In this scenario it is best to check the spelling of the email address and send again. Re-sending to a new email address will clear the warning. Note it may take up to 24hrs for the platform to be made aware then an email bounced.Increased security for system users
Rolling out over the next couple of weeks, the platform will start asking system users to confirm their identity via a access-code in addition to their email address and password. There will be an option to 'remember this device' where you will not be asked for the code again for another 30 days. This addition gives significantly more protection to the data stored on the platform and complies with latest GDPR and data-protection standards.IP whitelisting for system user access
A new feature for accounts on our enterprise plans is the ability to lock down access to the Money Alive Admin to a specific IP address or range. Speak to your support manager about configuring this option.
Money Alive March 18th 2019 update

Written by Aaron Coates
Updated over 5 years ago